Saturday, July 18, 2009

First purchased quilt

This is my first purchased quilt. I found it at Mosquito Creek Antique Shopp in Indiana over the Fourth. It is almost completely hand stitched and quilted. Only 9 seams done by machine. I paid $125.00 for it. Donnie the Antique store owner got it in an estate sale from a 90 yo women. I just wonder why she didn't sign it. I love it. The plaid clothes type fabrics make me think she was a seamstress as well as a quilter. I love the Bubble gum pink.

It is quilted in a wonderful variety of patterns. About 1 and 1/2 inches apart. What was she doing during all the stitching time?
It has found a good home with me. I just can't believe that she had no family that wanted it and wound up in an estate sale.

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